FBI Exposed: They Knew About It


Tucker Carlson has been dogging Ilhan Omar for years. He had a guest on his show the other night who is convinced that DNA evidence exists which proves she married her brother. She also claims the FBI knew all about it and shrugged it away. The test is not available at the link it’s supposed to show up at but we have it anyway. It allegedly was posted by right-wing conspiracy theorist Anton Lazzaro who was conveniently charged with five charges of “underage sex trafficking” as soon as he posted the invisible evidence, which Daily Mail magically grabbed a copy of and published. All that means is there is an image out there. Whether it’s real or not remains to be seen.

FBI hasn’t a clue

On Wednesday night, Faux News host Tucker Carlson took a Deep Dive into the story that Minnesota Democrat lawmaker Ilhan Omar was married to her biological brother, Ahmed Elmi, to allow him to immigrate here illegally.

Conservatives have had all the proof of that they ever needed years ago but there’s now an alleged DNA test floating around. The FBI doesn’t want to hear about it. Nobody is accusing them of incest and the statute of limitations on marriage fraud has run.

Ah, not so fast the experts on the conservative side say. The real issue is the lawmaker helped her brother break immigration laws and sneak into America illegally. That’s illegal.

Instead of sitting in Congress, Ilhan Omar should be sitting in a cell. Why won’t the FBI investigate crimes any more? All they want to probe are conservative politicians.

Big Tent Republicans PAC claims full responsibility for the alleged DNA test. What was tested was a cigarette butt, allegedly belonging to Ilhan Omar and a drinking straw from Ahmed Elmi.

Of course these objects could just as easily have been procured from any Somali siblings and used for an ambush test. The FBI doesn’t care if it is true or not. They just don’t care period.

99.999998% certain

The controversial DNA report reveals that the two samples tested, “simply as ‘Sibling 1′ and ‘Sibling 2’ allegedly contain DNA samples of Ilhan Omar and her husband Ahmed Elmi.” Whoever supplied the samples are certainly siblings.

“The report indicates there is 99.999998% that the two individuals are siblings.” The test was supposedly conducted by Endeavor DNA, based in El Paso, Texas. So what, the FBI shrugs. The marriage was too long ago to worry about.

Carlson’s guest, Miranda Devine, relates that “Before Lazarro could share the results with the media, he was arrested” on some pesky sex-trafficking charges. She “suggested the FBI took him down to shut him up.” Lazarro followed “Omar and her brother/husband for weeks until he finally had a discarded cigarette butt from Omar and a drinking straw from her brother/husband.”

They went straight to the bureau and an agent “told a Lazarro associate that they won’t pursue the case because the statute of limitations on marriage fraud has run out.” The problem with that is immigration fraud “does not have a statute of limitations.”

Carlson summed it up and there isn’t any reason to doubt his conclusion. “So it’s been known for quite a while that Ilhan Omar apparently married her own brother to help him gain entry illegally into the country, which is a violation of the immigration law.”

Carlson turned purple as he thundered, “that actually happened, it turns out! And now we’re learning when the FBI had evidence to confirm it but didn’t do anything about it.”