Eric Holder Goes to Bat for Sleepy Joe, Blames Trump Supporters ‘fanning’ Tara Reade’s claims

Former United States Attorney General and Barack Obama crony, Eric Holder, showed support to presumptive Democrat nominee, Joe Biden, on Bill Maher’s ‘Real Time With Bill Maher’ on May 1. Biden had been accused of sexual assault by Tara Reade, a lifelong Democrat and former staffer of Biden. On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Biden denied that he sexually assaulted Reade while she worked for him in Delaware in the early 1990s.

Eric Holder, who served with former Vice President Joe Biden during the Obama Administration, emphatically defended Biden on Mahr’s show by saying, “What has been described is inconsistent with the person who I’ve come to know and I’ve worked with. I think the media is doing a correct job looking into the allegations, finding out a variety of things. The vice president has denied that it actually did occur. And as I said, his denial is consistent with the Joe Biden that I know.”

Eric Holder, an avowed Socialist, also used the opportunity to blast supporters of President Donald Trump on Mahr’s HBO show.

“It’s interesting the people who are trying to fan this thing are the very people who support Donald Trump, and of course, who say nothing about the allegations that have been raised, I think very credibly, against Trump over a long period of time,” Holder said.

Holder’s Anti-Trump Stances

Since Donald Trump has been sworn into office as United States President, Eric Holder has continually denounced conservatives. Although the Democrats unsuccessfully tried to halt the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States due to groundless sexual assault claims, Holder had no issue with questioning the nomination on Twitter.

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Donald Trump infamously promoted the slogan, ‘Make America Great Again,’ which resonated with conservatives across the nation. The ‘MAGA’ mantra was detailed across the country in hats, shirts, and bumper stickers as a call for America to return to its grassroots.

However, Eric Holder had no issue with blasting Trump supporters who endorsed ‘MAGA’ by declaring on MSNBC’s ‘The Beat’ show, “And that’s what I hear these things about ‘let’s make America great again’ and I think to myself, ‘exactly when did you think America was great’?”

Eric Holder might have been ‘going to bat’ for Creepy Joe Biden, but his lack of allegiance to American principles and fundamentals is apparent to Trump supporters.

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