There’s been another outbreak. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the world, China’s spiking into panic “emergency mode” and the U.K. is right behind. Despite all the hopeful forecasts in the U.S., the Delta variant is coming back around with a vengeance. Those covid shots and boosters won’t do a darn bit of good against it either. It looks like Biden won’t be able to Build Back Better until after the new round of quarantines are over.
Fresh outbreak spreading
It’s all the fault of foreigners, Wu Liangyou, insists. the National Health Commission official warned “that the current outbreak in China is caused by the delta variant from overseas.”
According to globalist mouthpiece Bloomberg, “the world’s second largest economy is about to face a far greater threat” because “the country’s new Covid-19 infections will increase in coming days and the areas affected by the epidemic may continue to expand.”
Over in Western Europe, the U.K. “is heading into winter with a growing problem.” Despite “19 months spent attempting to ward off Covid-19 while safeguarding jobs and businesses,” the “coronavirus is spreading rapidly.”
Unfortunately the outbreak comes “just as the economy starts going in the opposite direction.” They’re almost as panicked as China. “U.K. cases are accelerating faster than in other western European nations, while deaths have jumped to their highest since March.”
In America, the Imperial Palace is ignoring the reports coming out of China because the only thing Joe Biden and his team of open borders globalists care about is ramming through the cradle-to-grave socialism and amnesty package.
An outbreak is the last thing he wants to talk about because then Americans might start expecting the inevitable quarantines and start hoarding toilet paper and canned goods again. Oh wait, they are already. If you think the supply chain is snarled now, wait until after the whole world gets locked down again.
Adopt emergency mode
Once again, China is the outbreak epicenter. This most recent “wave of infections spread to 11 provinces in the week from October 17,” spokesman Mi Feng advises. Most of the people infected have cross-region travel histories.”
He “urged areas that have been affected by the pandemic to adopt ’emergency mode.'” Cities “in the provinces of Gansu, including its capital Lanzhou, and Inner Mongolia have halted bus and taxi services.”
Mi Feng also admits that the “outbreak was first detected on October 16 among a tour group of fully vaccinated senior citizens from Shanghai who traveled in several northern regions. Among the 133 infections reported as of Sunday, 106 were linked to 13 tour groups.” The police are cracking down hard.
“Already, authorities in Beijing are making an example of six residents who allegedly broke Covid rules with criminal detentions.” Their heinous crimes? Two “went out to eat and invited friends home for mahjong despite having developed fevers upon returning from a Covid-infected tourist destination in Inner Mongolia.” Another two “tried to climb over the fences of their locked-down gated community.” You thought your HOA was tough.
The closest thing to an outbreak warning that’s coming from American media is a note from Bank of America last week asking “with the much more transmissible Delta variant now dominant, are we in for another difficult winter?” Probably not, they speculate.
Across the pond, they’re getting ready already. “The Bank of England is expected to hike rates soon and households are facing a cost-of-living crisis.”