Black Republican Drops Bombshell Speech

Black Republican Drops Bombshell Speech

At the North Carolina GOP Convention, a prominent black Republican gave a fiery pro-America speech accusing the Biden administration of trying to turn the United States into a “socialist hellhole.”

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson called out the Biden administration, ANTIFA, and Black Lives Matter for the destruction of the country in his viral speech.

Many people will remember Mark Robinson as a concerned citizen speaking out at a city council meeting about the Second Amendment.


After that speech, conservatives immediately became fans of Robinson, eventually voting him into office as North Carolina’s first black lieutenant governor.

At the start of the clip (below) of his most recent speech, Robinson discussed the fact that the GOP needs to start fighting back against the disastrous ideology of the left.

“The greatest example that I saw, and witnessed it firsthand on television was during 9/11. People running away from those burning buildings, running away in horror. We saw policemen and firemen, running to those buildings, basically running to their deaths to go help others, because they saw trouble and they knew that they were needed. That’s got to be us in this day right here. We’ve got to run to the trouble, folks. And what is the trouble?” Robinson asked.

“The trouble is the Biden administration that is seeking to turn this country into a socialist hellhole,” he stated.

“The trouble is ANTIFA, that wants to roam the streets and beat you into submission,” Robinson added.

“The trouble is Black Lives Matter, that claims to care about the lives of black people, but has turned a blind eye while violence in black communities are taking lives at a genocidal rate,” he continued. “They’ve turned a blind eye.”

“That’s where the trouble is and that’s what we’ve got to run to, and we’ve got all the right in the world on our side. And there ain’t no reason to be afraid, and there ain’t no reason to not take the challenge dead on. Because I’m gonna tell you who we come from, folks. We don’t come from some weak… spineless people. That’s not who we come from, none of us. And it doesn’t matter what color you are, what nation your folks hail from, how much money you got. We all share the same name: We are Americans,” Robinson stated.


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