Black Rage Caught on Cam in the Middle of the Day


This Black rage blockbuster won’t be seen on the big screen but it’s already a top viewed video on Facebook. Armed Antifa® occupation zones, kidnapping and extortion, documents signed under duress. No this isn’t the trailer for a new Hollywood extravaganza. This real life drama unfolded in Minneapolis over the weekend.

Black extortion is okay

One would think that the nation’s first openly transgender person of color elected to public office would be welcomed with open arms at the local Taking Back Pride march. Minneapolis City Council member Andrea Jenkins was totally surprised when the crowd wouldn’t let her leave.

On Sunday, June 27, “extreme” factions of the local Black Lives Matter™ militia kidnapped her against her will for over two hours until she broke down and signed their demands, under duress. Among other things, she was forced to agree to “dropping charges against alleged rioters.”

Ms. Jenkins was born a melanized male but that didn’t work out. After the pride march ended, she was sitting in the passenger seat of a sedan “when the enraged mob accosted her.” They were demanding “an end to police at Pride festivals” and “the protection of Black transgender residents” like the one they were attacking. They won’t be happy until the local community has “control over police.”

The kidnapping and extortion were broadcast live from Loring Park. The Imperial Palace has firmly declared that no matter what the legal definition of “insurrection” is, this wasn’t one of those. Only deplorable Trump supporters can do that.

DJ Hooker, is an outspoken Black Lives Matter™ captain in charge of the Twin Cities Coalition for Justice 4 Jamar brigade. He personally narrates “the 23-minute long footage.” Jenkins will think twice about attending the next rally.

Hooker informs the audience that Jenkins arrived at the event “for a photo op,” before she was kidnapped. “Her friend or partner has called the cops on us already,” Hooker chuckles. With a howling mob of anarchists holding her prisoner, all the council member could say was “Like this ain’t f—in’ white supremacy right here. I can’t believe this.”

Police don’t care

The police in Minneapolis don’t have the funding to go rescue city council members from Black Lives Matter™ controlled territory. “police cars drove by ‘every once in awhile’ during the two full hours Jenkins was blocked, but never stopped.” A spokes unit for the MPD, John Elder, sent the press an email explaining “Loring Park is not our jurisdiction. It is the oversight of the Minneapolis Park Police.”

Jenkins’ driver was really feeling uncomfortable. “We ain’t asking no more. We’re not asking no more, white lady. We’re demanding at this point. We’re not asking,” one freaky female warned. “We’re done asking. F—ing sh*t. We’re demanding it now. So why don’t you just sit back in your little seat and do your job and drive?” The driver must have had a death wish and flashed the bad-finger.

That’s about when Jenkins caved in and signed the demands. “We got her!” someone yells.” The “People’s Demands” were listed as six separate bullet points.

The Black mob requires “that a Community Police Accountability Commission (CPAC) is established, that all murder cases are reopened, that all charges against protesters are dropped, for more information regarding Winston Smith’s police shooting death, for Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s immediate resignation, and that George Floyd Square is left alone.”

The local residents and merchants have been trying hard to get “George Floyd Square” open and back to normal again. Black Lives Matter™ won’t stand for that. “A group called Meet on the Street has controlled the four-block autonomous zone since Floyd’s death, when barricades were erected around the site.”

“The activists, who have refused to evacuate—even after former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin’s verdict—have negotiated with the city over several two dozen demands, including a $159 million investment into the neighborhood over one decade.” That’s not insurrection either. Jenkins squared her shoulders and held her head high. “Fine, I’ll leave George Floyd Square alone and not do my job,” even though it might mean “a national monument will not happen.” So there!