Biden Family Secret LEAKED…


With cancel culture being infiltrated deep into society it appears to only apply to those on the right and even with a Biden family secret leaked, there is no outrage from Democrats.

Top Democrats’ Racist Actions

Wild radical leftists have been rioting and tearing down statues of figures that have owned slaves.

But when it comes to arguably racist actions with their own inside the Democrat Party, the same rules they have created don’t apply to them.

For example, Democrat Governor Northam had a photo of himself dressed either in black face or a Klan outfit. However, there was no outcry of this from the left or the media.

Another big example is how Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden worked with and befriended segregationists. But this is glossed over once again by Democrats. Biden’s very own crime bill is responsible for sending a large amount of black Americans to prison.  Or how about the time the former vice president told black people that if they didn’t vote for him then they weren’t really black. Once again crickets from the side who express daily that they are for equality and against racism.

If President Trump said or did anything 1/10 of as bad as the examples listed above, he would be persecuted and driven out of office.

President Trump’s past has been combed over with a fine-tooth comb and his family has been the target of numerous attacks from the left. How well has Biden’s past been looked at?

Apparently not very thoroughly or else it would have come to light a lot sooner.

As Glenn Beck initially reported, Joe Biden’s lineage on his father’s side shows his 5th and 6th generation ancestors were slave owners.

Democrats have been stunting to allow reparations to black people due to slavery that took place long ago, but when it comes to the top dog of their party, it is ignored and swept under the rug.

Biden’s Ancestry:




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