I have always maintained that Hunter Biden would be the death of his father’s campaign, and Hunter just got us one step closer to that very situation.
Late Thursday night, the newswires started to burn up regarding a paternity suit that had been filed against Hunter in October and it looks like Joe is going to be a grandpa.
The Suit
In October, Lunden Alexis Roberts won her suit for Hunter Biden to take a paternity test to prove he is the father of her child (the actual paternity suit itself originated in May).
Roberts is an Arkansas native, but she claimed to have met Hunter Biden while she was going to school in D.C.
When her first suit came about, Hunter Biden adamantly denied he even knew the woman, let alone had sex with her.
Roberts remained persistent and finally got the courts to grant her a paternity test.
Biden begrudgingly agreed to take the test but still insisted he was not the father.
Well, the DNA test says otherwise, and a new suit filed in Independence County, Arkansas by Roberts claimed that “with scientific certainty,” Hunter Biden is the father of her child.
Big Problems for Joe
Joe Biden is fond of using the term “moral fabric” when he talks about Trump and this country.
It is hard to get up on that high horse when your 40-year-old son gets a woman 20 years his junior pregnant then denies it.
And that is where the problem lies for Joe Biden.
This is not what we would expect from someone raised by the likes of Joe Biden, right?
There is also the fact that if my math is right, this little affair would have occurred when Hunter Biden was partnered up with his brother Beau’s widow.
So, he not only knocked up a young lady two decades younger than him, he also cheated on his partner.
So far, neither Hunter Biden nor his father has commented on this, but Hunter Biden is not expected to challenge the results of the testing.
It is a good thing he has all that Burisma money because he is going to need it once he gets hit for the child support and benefits Roberts is asking for in her suit.