As you all know by now, Joe Biden had a very bad night on the debate stage.
What we did not know, however, is that the Biden campaign was preventing journalists from reporting on it.
That’s right… any reporter who tried to talk to voters about the debate in an unfavorable way was shut down by the campaign.
Shut It Down
The report initially came via Simon Levien, a New York Times reporter.
He posted, “As I spoke to voters at a Las Vegas rally for Vice President Harris, a Nevada Biden campaign staffer followed me and twice asked that voters end their interviews when their comments turned critical of President Biden.”
While he was discussing a voter telling him that there had to be someone better, a Biden staffer approached and told him, “We’re at a Joe Biden event, so I’m going to cut you off there, sorry.”
Taylor R. Avery, a reporter for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, had the same thing happen to her.
She wrote, “This also happened to me. A staffer tried not once but twice to cut off my interview with a voter who said they thought Biden should step down.
“They then ushered me and the voter inside because ‘the Vp is almost here’ but the VP did not show up for another 30 minutes.”
Now, can you imagine the reaction by Democrats if a report like this surfaced from a Trump rally?
This, in essence, is becoming state-run media, especially after that disastrous Supreme Court ruling that gives the government the right to censor, at least for now.
Democrats have dictated the media narrative for the last eight years, so while this is not surprising, it is quite frustrating that it continues and half this country appears to be okay with it.