Another Famous Actor Flees Hollywood For Tennessee


I have a good friend that works in Hollywood. On occasion, he will get attached to a project where they have to film somewhere other than in California.

Once, he spent three months on a movie set in Georgia and he later told me that it was the greatest three months of his life.

Despite having to work in Hollywood, he’s a son of the Midwest like myself.

He loved the hospitality of the people in the state of Georgia and didn’t get the feeling when he was there like he had to watch literally every word he said.

He often tells me that he would take less money to work outside of Hollywood when the offers come up, just because of all the liberal nonsense that he has to deal with on a daily basis.

You see that a lot in all aspects of society these days. People and companies are leaving liberal states for states with more traditional conservative policies.

A lot of these individuals are people with good morals and good families, that quite frankly don’t want to expose their children to the excesses of the liberal elite.

Another reason why a lot of people are leaving Hollywood and California in general is the level of division among people. It’s not a simple thing of a conservative being friends with a liberal and there being some common ground anymore.

Now, the liberals will pounce on a conservative for practically everything under the sun. Look at how many conservative actors have faced being canceled simply for their political or religious beliefs.

Which brings me to Kirk Cameron. I’m about the same age as Kirk Cameron. I basically grew up watching Growing Pains every week on television and it is one of those programs that still holds up.

However, despite still having the occasional project in Hollywood, he has come to the conclusion that he no longer needs to live where he works and has moved his family to the state of Tennessee.

One thing he mentioned in a recent interview is that he has noticed in his new home that there are a lot of people from all walks of life that have moved to the Volunteer State.

I have to admit, as long as people don’t start liberaling up the state of Tennessee than I think that Kirk Cameron has picked a damn fine place to raise a family.