Americans Can Now Be Arrested for Saying this One Word to A Muslim


There is no question that it is a brave new world out there when it comes to the current ideologies within the United States of America today. The hallmarks of what have made this country great for so long seem to have gone completely out the window. Take followers of the Muslim religion, for instance.

Although there is no other religion that is protected from censure, it is becoming increasingly clear to many Americans (including this author) that you cannot criticize  Muslims regarding their religion. Indeed, if you speak critically about them, you are running the risk of being accused of a hate crime and being arrested.

Slippery Slope

Unfortunately, we have seen this slippery slope developing for quite a while now. It started out that if you simply made a cartoon that criticized Islam or posted comments that criticized Mohammed, you would face a ban on Facebook. However, it has gotten much worse than that.

Now, we see Saudi Arabia beginning to spend billions of dollars building as many mosques as they can across the United States. Additionally, they are planning on spending yet another $32 billion on censoring any criticism of Islam. Freedom of speech? What’s that? Apparently, it doesn’t exist for Americans when it comes according to the followers of Mohammed!

Of course, by now you are probably wondering just what the offending word is that could send you to jail if you say it to one of these Muslims. Well, as one man found out, that word is “terrorist.”

Never Forget

That’s right. Even though it was proponents of the radical Muslim religion who flew those planes into 9/11 and radical Muslims who have made the Middle East a miserable place to live, here in the United States you cannot use the word “terrorist” in their presence or it might be a hate crime. Americans beware!

Unfortunately, this all stems from an incident that occurred in Ludlow, Massachusetts between a man named Jose Ortiz and his neighbor, an individual who is of Turkish descent.

Ortiz and his victim share a duplex, and he was leaving his house with his two young children when an intoxicated Ortiz began calling him a “terrorist” and other names. Apparently Ortiz and this man have had ongoing problems, and they get exacerbated when Ortiz begins drinking.

Here is What Happened

The Turkish man decided to call the police on Mr. Ortiz, and after they got there Ortiz retreated back into his apartment and barricaded himself in his bedroom. Once Mr. Ortiz’s girlfriend gave the police permission to take down the door, he decided to go ahead and step outside again. However, he continued to be uncooperative with the police.

Of course, no one is disputing that Mr. Ortiz’s behavior was very poor during this incident. However, the problem lies in what Mr. Ortiz was charged with. He ultimately was booked on obstruction of justice, disturbing the peace, and “interfering with a person’s civil rights.” Of course, this all begs the question: what of the charge of public intoxication?

These police had to dig way, way back into the statutes to find the charge of “interfering with a person’s civil rights.” Naturally, one has to wonder just what precedent this is going to set.

Does this mean that every time someone who is a bit tipsy and encounters someone of Arabic descent that they cannot say the word “terrorist”? What about if an atheist was intoxicated and called a Christian a “bible banger” or “holy roller”?

Yes, Mr. Ortiz did act poorly, but let’s all hope this isn’t another case of freedom of speech going out the window completely…

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