High powered attorney and member of O.J. Simpson’s “dream team,” Alan Dershowitz, is defending himself “from sex abuse claims” since his name popped up in the latest batch of unsealed documents related to a prior Ghislaine Maxwell case. He’s scrambling to take the offensive but his protests indicate he’s sweating heavier than he wants to let on. A deposition of Virginia Giuffre Roberts paints a sick and twisted picture of the way she was trained to be a sex slave.
Alan Dershowitz was only one of many
“The first time I was with Alan Dershowitz was in New York,” Virginia Giuffre Roberts testified, “so I wasn’t actually sent to him. It actually happened at one of Jeffrey’s residences. At the time, she was around 17 years old and taking care of Jeffrey Epstein’s high powered friends sexually was part of her regular duties.
Dershowitz denies it all. The Harvard Law professor emeritus was accused in the case filed back in 2014 but resurfaced after 600 fresh pages were released to the public on Thursday. Dershowitz, in typical attorney fashion, flips the script around and explains how the evidence “exonerates” him.
The accused lawyer “demanded release of all documents because they contain emails and manuscripts proving in Guiffre’s own words that she never met me.” Well, except for that time she had sex with Dershowitz in New York. “I knew they would repeat her false accusations against me, Al and Tipper Gore and others.” He’s really happy to see “There are no new accusations against me in the documents I got unsealed. All her accusations were made in suits she filed years ago. They were false then and now, as shown by her emails and manuscript that prove I never met her.”
A minor inconsistency
Dershowitz seized on a minor inconsistency to claim it proves she’s a liar. Giuffre told the FBI in the beginning that she was 15 when she met Maxwell and Epstein. It turned out she was really 16 by then. She was still underage though.
Dershowitz turns it into proof of his innocence. “The time has come for a full-scale investigation of Giuffre’s credibility. She has roiled three continents with her accusations against politicians and other high profile individuals and yet the media has declined to conduct the kind of investigative reporting that it has rightfully done with regard to other accusers.” It seems he would much prefer to be tried in the press, like O.J. Simpson was.
Dershowitz was also one of the attorneys who helped Epstein land the plea agreement of the millennium. The non-prosecution agreement with federal prosecutors which Dershowitz helped draft got Epstein off with only 13 months of overnight jail time.