The Muslim Brotherhood is out to destroy America and the rest of the North American continent from within. While your liberal friends might laugh this off as just a far-right conspiracy theory, it’s something that we conservatives have suspected for many years now. The big difference is that now we actually have the evidence to back this up this behavior from Muslims.
Law enforcement agents recently raided the Annandale, VA home of a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and this led to the discovery of a blueprint detailing the thirty-year plan for Muslims across America to engage in a complete takeover of the North American continent. Of course, now that the cover of the Muslim Brotherhood has been blown, you can bet your bottom dollar that they will stop at nothing to cover it back up again. However, it’s up to us to fight back. Our children’s lives depend on it.
First of all, a little backstory might be in order. Twenty-seven years ago, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradwai, first traveled to America. His goal? To organize Muslims throughout America about the ultimate plan, which was to engage in a complete takeover of the United States. The plan had a thirty-year timeline.
Indeed, one of the most effective elements of this plan would be a tactic called “Muruna”, which is a strategy that allows Muslim to violate strict Sharia law so that they can convince Americans that they are not a threat to them and are just like us. Nothing to see here, move along. Naturally, there is no question that Muruna has been extremely effective, moving about just like an Ebola virus and allowing Muslims to stealthily integrate into every aspect of North American society.
So, it’s out in the open now. We know the truth. The radical Muslims have been planning this all along. Thus, we don’t have an excuse now. Simply put, we must fight back. We must show our children the true meaning of what being an American is all about, because if we don’t, you better believe that the Muslims will show us all about their ideology, and if we aren’t careful, there will come a day where we will collectively look in the mirror and not recognize the reflection looking back at us. Here are the steps in the takeover plan for these radical Muslims:
Phase One: The establishment of a discreet and clandestine leadership plan.
Like other secret societies, obviously they are not going to tell anyone about the first phase of this plan.
Phase Two: Gradually appearing on the public scene and engaging in several different public activities.
Needless to say, they were highly successful in the implementation of this stage. For example, they had various important and nefarious goals they wanted to meet during this time frame, such as the infiltration of different sectors of government. They also wanted to gain the trust of senior scholars and religious institutions and receive public support and sympathy. They also wanted to establish a shadow government alongside the real government, and yes, they have been largely successful in that as well.
Phase Three: Escalation
In this stage, the Muslims will continue to bend the society to their own will by utilizing mass media.
They will do this just prior to outright conflict and confrontation with the powers that be. This is the stage that we are currently in.
Phase Four: Completely open and public confrontation with the government through exercising a myriad of political pressures, including an aggressive implementation of the above-mentioned approach. Domestic weapons training, various overseas activities, and other activities in anticipation of the zero-hero.
Phase Five: In this last phase, they will seize power in order to fully establish their Islamic Nation in every aspect of this nation. All parties and Islamic groups will be united together.
Of course, this is their overall, general plan. However, the document that was seized in this raid shows that they have taken some very chilling organizational steps to see this Islamic movement to its fruition. They have solid operations, planning, mindset, and vision for each and every step. Simply put, we are dealing with a truly organized enemy. Some of the extra details are as follows:
- Making the Muslim presence larger by such things as birth rate, immigration, and refusing to assimilate;
- Occupying and dominating physical spaces;
- Controlling the language used in describing the opposition;
- Making sure that everyone living in the “Muslim Community” completely follows it;
- Making sure that non-Muslims never study their doctrine (Shariah);
- Being sure that Shariah law is complied with even on local levels;
- Fighting back against counter-terrorism efforts;
- Intentionally subverting any given religious organization;
- Utilizing a strategy known as “law-fare”, which is the use of the suing as a weapon;
- Demanding accommodations or claiming victimization;
- Condemning “slander” against Islam;
- Infiltrating the U.S. education system;
- Demanding the right to practice Shariah law practically anywhere;
- Confronting Western society and denouncing their laws and traditions; and
- Demanding that Shariah law serve as a replacement for Western Law in all jurisdictions.
This plan has literally been three decades in the making and we are just now getting aware of it. Of course, I’m sure liberals will say that we are overreacting, but there have been plenty of other things we have turned out to be right on, how do they do know we won’t be right on this as well? Not to mention the fact that Muslims have flown under the radar in this country, but all the while they were just building their arsenal and simply recruiting more to their evil ways.
Is it any wonder that President Trump has been trying to implement a travel ban from countries that are known to support terrorists? As this raid clearly shows, the clock is ticking, and the time to act is NOW, before we end up like Europe.