After Minor Traffic Violation, Hours later…Woman is Shocked When She Hears a Knock at Her Door


When Brevard County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Cronin and Field Officer Anthony Gonnelly stopped a vehicle that had a mother and an infant child, they immediately noticed that the car this mother was driving did not have a child safety seat.

To make a long story short, they issued the woman a citation for not properly securing her infant child.

However, it is what they did AFTER the woman pulled away that has caused other citizens to give them some serious praise.

You see, these law enforcement officers realized fairly quickly that this was a family down on their luck, so when these officers showed up at this mother’s door later on, how do you think she reacted?

If you ask her, she probably thought something along the lines of, “Oh good grief, what is it this time?”

Now, if you ask the liberal news media, they would probably smugly say something like, “Oh yes, this is another example of police harassment.”

Well, this would be wrong on both counts.

What these two awesome examples of Brevard County’s finest were actually doing was giving this obviously stressed-out mother a new child safety seat they have received through donations and USING THEIR OWN MONEY to buy her some groceries!

These two gentlemen rightfully got praise all around, and it started with Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey, who wrote the following in a sheriff department Facebook post: “Actions like this are what make me proud of the men and women of the Brevard County Sheriff’s Department, people who do everything they can to protect and to serve the public.”

Many of the replies to his Facebook post wholeheartedly agreed.

“I’d like to thank the deputies and the CSU team for not just issuing tickets, but also taking the time to help someone in need,” one reply said.

Another commenter posted, “Thanks to these very awesome deputies! Very compassionate!”

“This makes me very proud to be a Brevard County resident,” another comment read. “They have a track record of always doing nice things for our community!”

But this is something that the liberal news media still needs to understand.

It isn’t just Brevard County, Florida, but it is all over the country. Sadly, the mainstream media would prefer to tout the actions of the one percent bad apples than the 99 percent of officers that do work like this every day.

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