Adult Film Star Faces Major Backlash Over Inappropriate Video Of Her 10 yr Old Daughter

An adult film star faces major backlash over inappropriate video that includes her ten-year-old daughter. Tara Abraham, a former reality television star who also released adult videos, was criticized for a recent Instagram video post. In this post, Abraham, dressed in lingerie, is shown strutting around a yacht in Marina del Rey in California. To the horror of many of her followers, Abraham’s ten-year-old daughter, Sophia, was onboard watching her mother’s antics.

Many of her fans actually were horrified by Abraham’s adult behavior in front of Sophia. According to, Instagram users had no issue denouncing the video:

“Oh, Farrah, you are just so desperate,” a follower said. 

Finally, another commenter said, “Weird, and just CREEPY.” 

Abraham’s fame began in 2008, when she appeared on MTV’s 16 and Pregnant, a despicable program that glorifies pregnant, unmarried teenagers. She also starred on MTV’s Teen Mom and eventually released an album entitled My Teenage Dream Ended. Her spiral down the depraved Hollywood hole continued as she released two adult videos, including Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom.

New Adult World Order

The rise in pornography has been dramatic over the last several decades. Before the internet, pornography was mainly purchased at sparse XXX stores across the nation. When pornography began filtering the internet in the 1990s, these stores closed, but the decadence continued on the World Wide Web.

Currently an adult internet site called PornHub has exploded in popularity since it was launched from Montreal, Canada in 2007. According to Psychology Today, PornHub is the #4 ranked website, only behind Wikipedia, Microsoft, and Netflix.

Not surprisingly, PornHub viewing exploded during the Coronavirus pandemic. During March, as people began to self quarantine, the adult site’s traffic increased by 11.6%.  According to Decider, PornHub has roughly 120 million visitors per day, but, in the early days of the pandemic, PornHub’s traffic expanded to about 134 million per day. Incredibly the site’s viewing increased ‘in France and Spain and saw similar above-average increases of 38.2% and 61.3%, respectively,’ according to Decider.

However, any observer of the moral decline in America should not be surprised by Abraham’s behavior nor PornHub’s viewing numbers. We live in a county where ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ is supported by parents across the country. A website,, promotes, organizes, and schedules transgenders to perform for the youth of the country. The transgenders will come to a school or library to gleefully read to children and teach them to ‘twerk’, among other antisocial behaviors.

Tara Abraham’s behavior in front of her ten-year-old daughter is revolting and shocking. However, it is not surprising that this occurs in a country where transgenders parade around innocent children and where PornHub reigns supreme. 


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