ABC Lands in Hot Seat After Doing Highly ILLEGAL Thing


ABC found a way to stoop even lower than publishing “fake” news by resorting to outright piracy. The mainstream propaganda network stole a Facebook post from a Marine Corps captain hoping to generate revenue from it under his nose. They gave him credit for it but didn’t bother to ask his permission.

ABC hijacks the news

Reporters at the propaganda mill calling themselves ABC News literally stole a story off of Facebook. They liked what United States Marine Corps Captain Geoff Ball posted so much, they had to run with it.

Every word practically oozed the potential for ad revenue. Without bothering to contact the post’s author, they gave him an opinion column.

The thing that really has Captain Ball and his unit outraged is the fact they dared to create an author’s biography for him to help legitimize their crime. Since the controversy boiled over, ABC scrubbed it from their site.

Their editors really thought they could get away with it but they weren’t counting on the eagle eyes of “Marine veteran Paul Szoldra.” He’s the one who blew the whistle.

Captain Ball is proud to be commanding officer of Ghost Company. They’ve been busier than usual lately, smack in the middle of Biden’s botched Afghanistan bug-out. While repeating the history lesson Saigon failed to teach us, Ghost company was “attempting to evacuate Americans and U.S. green card holders in Kabul.”

That’s what they were doing on the fateful day of the suicide bombings. ABC couldn’t resist stealing his on the scene reporting. It was a whole lot better than anything their writers were coming up with.

Ghost Company at work

As Captain Ball relates, his Ghost Company “was working with other U.S. soldiers and some British paratroopers to pull people out of a drainage canal.”

There was a terrorist martyr all wired up and waiting to blow on the other side. ABC couldn’t resist illegally appropriating his “first hand perspective of what happened before and after” the August 26 attack.

Editors and producers at ABC were practically drooling when they read his description of what happened “at around 5:30 p.m.”

That’s when “a terrorist from the Islamic State group weaved through a crowd of desperate Afghans attempting to flee the country and detonated a 25-pound explosive vest as Marines and sailors were pulling families out of a canal near the airport’s Abbey Gate entrance.”

“Nine of my Marines and Sailors,” Ball wrote, “gave their lives so that others may live, and almost 20 other members of my company were wounded by their side.” Up until “that moment, I did not believe I could ever be more proud of their efforts, by the way they handled surging crowds and chaos all week, but they proved me wrong.” ABC was sure to make a big deal that what happened is what the military refers to as a “mass casualty event.”

According to Ball, those are “defined by having fewer resources than necessary to process and handle those wounded. In our case, we had a third of our entire force to care for in a split second. But in less than 20 minutes after the bomb detonated, we had our first wounded at the airport hospital and this included a ten minute drive time. Senior leaders at the operations center remarked they had never seen a MASSCAS response move so quickly.” Folks are starting to snicker that ABC stands for “Already Been Canceled.”