A Nurse Just Revealed What Most People See Right Before They Die…

Death can be an enigmatic and terrifying subject. But, for Los Angeles-based hospice nurse Julie McFadden, it is something that has become infinitely more understandable and comforting with her years of experience caring for the terminally ill.

What she’s seen in those final moments has been remarkable – a consistent narrative of tranquil afterlives filled with familiar faces.

39-year-old Julie McFadden has devoted five years to providing support and comfort to her patients as they face their last days.

She sums up what she’s encountered during this time on social media platform TikTok; it’s earned her 1.2 million followers and 12 million likes. It seems many have resonated with these stories about death and the afterlife, offering them intrigue as well as consolation.

McFadden reports that many of her patients encounter visions of the afterlife populated by those loved ones who have passed away before them.

Strangely enough, this same scene appears over and over again – late family members or even beloved pets showing up to usher in a sense of peace during the twilight hours leading to death. Not only do these spiritual figures offer counsel and solace but also messages like “Don’t worry, we’ll help you” or “We are coming to get you soon.”

These occurrences often begin around one month prior to death but remain vivid in the patient’s mind even during their wakeful hours.

The medical community is still at a loss when it comes to fully explaining this phenomenon but McFadden insists that they are not delusions from a failing mind–rather coherent experiences that cannot be dismissed easily .

She also offers the reassurance that there is no indication of any terror or torment awaiting us in our transition into the afterlife–it would appear instead to be one full of peace, love, and reunion rather than anything infernal.