130-year-old Tombstone Has a CHILLING WARNING Etched Into It About the Democrat Party

For those of us that truly represent our framers and founders, the Democrat party has always been contradictory to what we believe our founders dreamed of when they created our Republic.

Many of our leaders throughout history have warned of the dangers of the Democrats, but few if any of the warnings issued are as relative today than that of Nathanial Grigsby.

Grigsby served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the 10th Indiana Cavalry during the Civil War.

In 1860, Grigsby was appointed as the Republican Precinct Committee Man to help get Lincoln elected as president.

Grigsby’s neighbors did not take too kindly to that, and he was given a warning by one neighbor that it might be best if he left town for fear someone was going to murder him.

Grigsby did leave, and he returned to Spencer Co., Indiana where he joined the Calvary.

When Grigsby passed away in 1890, there was a warning posted on his tombstone that is eerily true today.

It stated:

Through this inscription, I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic party.

I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come to it through this so-called party.

Therefore, beware of this party of treason.

Who knew that 130 years later, these words would ring true when the Democrat party led a coup to remove Donald Trump from the office of president?